Director : Adisoerya Abdy
Casts : Meriam Bellina, Herman Felani, Mathias Muchus
Genre : Thriller & Drama
Production Year : 1990
Lisa (Meriam Bellina) was violently raped by Hengky (Tyas Wahono) and suffered from
mental disorders as a result. A psychiatrist, Dr. Iwan (Herman Felani), worked to cure
her, while a police captain, Markus (Mathias Muchus), Iwan’s friend, handled her case. The
case is especially tough to crack because Lisa suffered from amnesia. After completing
her treatment, Lisa went to live at Iwan’s house because Iwan wanted to use her case as
a basis for his thesis as well as helping her to be completely cured. Meanwhile, Markus is
vexed by the growing number of unsolved rape cases. Iwan and Markus pressed on with
the investigation and managed to find Lisa’s mother and siblings. Aided by the family
picture they showed her, Lisa began to regain her memory. Iwan himself is beginning
to fall for Lisa who has just opened a flower shop. Things began to stabilize, when the
police apprehended Hengky and his henchmen. Unfortunately, due to lack of evidence,
they were set free by the criminal court. Lisa took matter into her own hands by tailing
Hengky and his cohorts. In a fit of rage, she hit them with her car and killed two of her
rapists, but Hengky survived. As a result, Lisa must face criminal court and sentenced
to nine years in prison. Outside the courthouse, Lisa saw Hengky who taunted her and
angrily grabbed an officer’s gun to shoot Hengky. He died, but Lisa paid a heavy price
for her revenge when the appeal court voted to uphold her nine years prison sentence.
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