Director : Chairul Umam
Casts : Paramitha Tusady, Deddy Mizwar, Jef E. Koswara, Rachmat
Hidayat, Yetty Syarifah, Kang Ibing, Anna Tairas, Donny Damara,
Ida Kusumah
Genre : Comedy
Production Year : 1989
Story about Boss Carmad, a wealthy man who collects his money from lending business very stifling. Sutirah,daughter of a poor farmer who runs out her wealth extracted by Boss Carmad, accepted to work in his company. Carmadwanted Sutirah as a wife. Sutirah initially hated Boss Carmad, but then use the opportunity of Carmad weakness. Carmad interest in her she uses as capital to free farmers from debt, can even divert Carmad wealth to her. Also involved in this eventDoni, journalists who is Sarah boyfriend.
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